Friday, November 13, 2009

omg, what have i done?

(sent 10 november 2009)

really, what have i done? it's not as if i have enough time to do what i have to do, and i am now performing the role of the crazy neighbor/psychic in the school play deathtrap. did i audition? no; i thought about doing it but decided against doing it in september. opening night is 27 november, i received the script today. need i say more? (i should be playing the role of the girl in oklahoma! who can't say no.) what is wrong with me? in case none of you know this, i have terrible stage fright (which is why i preferred doing film); well, i'll just have to suck it up, and as many of my classmates hate me anyway, what do i have to lose? (no, i'm not exaggerating.) at least i'll get to wear a mumu (moomoo; either way, i'll look simply bovine).

so, i'm playing "helga" the hungarian neighbor (exactly how much makeup will i have to wear?) who doesn't have many lines, but who is, well, eccentric. i can do eccentric. and she's over-the-top; i don't know if i can do that, being so shy and retiring and all. i'm hoping to be able to remember my lines and not (literally) fall flat on my face. if i can manage those two things, i'll be fine. now, if i upstage the rest of the cast, it's not my fault.

updates: my neighbor is not a zombie in the traditional sense of the word, but his lack of sensitivity (i.e., stomping down the hall at 3 a.m., and then talking loudly with his girlfriend, slamming his door, and other various loud acts) makes me wonder if he is a philosophical zombie - without consciousness. so, he is alive. phew, glad that's been cleared up, and i'm glad my brain is not in danger (especially since i'll need it for the memorization).

midterms have come and gone, thank god, and finals are just around the corner. i am looking forward to being able to sleep in during the reading days.

by the way, i went to the rehearsal and blew everyone away. as a matter of fact, when working on the final scene with Nick, a fellow knitter and thespian, the professor who was teaching the room next door came in to ask us to lower the volume a bit. as i threaten him with a knife in the scene, i can only imagine what they must have thought.

as soon as we take pics, i'll include them.

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